The Daily Wow Journal: The 3-minute Practice to Build Awareness, Delight & Gratitude into All Your Days

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The Daily Wow back cover.jpg

The Daily Wow Journal: The 3-minute Practice to Build Awareness, Delight & Gratitude into All Your Days


The world is full of WOWs. WOWs are happening all the time in every single day. Great wows. Discouraging wows. Miraculous wows. Frightening wows. Exciting wows. So many wows that they can be impossible to take in.

I’ve always liked the IDEA of journaling and I’ve never managed to actually do it for long. I know the power of noticing the nuances of every day, especially taking time to notice what I’m grateful for. And yet, I never seemed to find a way to sustain a daily practice.

This journal, inspired by the work of Tiffany Han, invites a daily appreciation of your experience and what lights you up. Take 3 minutes at the end of the day to practice building awareness, delight & gratitude into ALL of your days. You’ll be amazed by what you notice.

There is no joy without gratitude.” Brené Brown

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